Migrant Voices – Denis Muto

Denis Muto was born November 23, 1958 in Sarreguemines, Northern France to Italian parents. He is married Mary with two teenage daughters. Denis says, "The resources of the Goulburn Valley have been developed using the labors of the migrant people. We have all benefited from their labour - giving this area the well-deserved name of the Food Bowl of Australia." ... Read more...


Migrant Voices – Nehama Werdiger

Yeshivah College, East St Kilda

My name is Nehama Werdiger and I am the daughter of Yehoshua Shneur Zalman, of blessed memory. Many people have told me that my father's life story is worth a book. If it is ever written, it will reflect the great drama of the history of the Jewish people in our time. I would like to share with you a few scenes from this drama, as you follow a remarkable man's journey: from the Old World of Eastern Europe to the New World of Australia.



Harmony Day

harmony day logo

Harmony Day 2012 was celebrated on March 21 at Kidstown, a joint collaboration by the Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District, Uniting Care-Cutting Edge, Voices for Harmony, Shepparton Interfaith Network and the City of Greater Shepparton Cultural Development Office.



Harmony in a Multicultural Society

Prof. David de KretserProfessor David de Kretser, former Governor of Victoria, has been an ardent supporter of Multiculturalism, and has also attended many Interfaith events as Guest of Honour. Recently, Prof. de Kretser gave an address at the July Australian Intercultural Society Luncheon series, in Melbourne. What follows is the text of Prof. de Kretser's address. (This article is reproduced with the kind permission of the Australian Intercultural Society.) ... Read more...


Dalai Lama: Heart Sutra 2013

Dalai Lama

Venerable Geshe Sonam Thargye is honoured to present a one-day teaching by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on the Heart Sutra and the Eight Verses of Mind Training on Wednesday 19 June 2013 at the Quang Minh Temple in Braybrook, Melbourne.



Migrant Voices – Mario Bettanin

Mario Bettanin

Mario Bettanin, Shepparton Citizen of the Year in 2011, immigrated from Italy to Shepparton and worked fro 42 years in the Goulburn Valley. Being a part of Australian community requires perseverance, commitment, and a willingness to help your neighbour and take whatever steps are needed to create community resources. The Australian Community, having had Jewish and Italian migrations to the Goulburn Valley, are ready to accept new immigrants, willingly.



Migrant Voices – Melly Pandher Singh

Melly Pandher in conversation

Melly Singh was originally intending to settle in Melbourne. He came to Shepparton to get his driving licence, and liked what he saw. He was to return soon after, to settle with his family and remain.

Living in a community where there are many other families from your part of the world is a highly appreciated aspect of being in the Goulburn Valley, says Melly Singh of the local Sikh Community

