Sacred Ecology: An Interfaith Perspective

Patriarch Bartholomew I

Patriarch Bartholomew I, the Archbishop of Constantinople and the spiritual leader of Eastern Orthodox Christians, is in Lisbon this week for a conference on interreligious dialogue.

On Wednesday morning, he delivered a stirring speech to the KAICIID interfaith forum on the “spiritual obligation” to fight against climate change.

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Faith for Climate: A Call to Action

COP28 Faith Pavilion Logo

Inspired by the Interfaith Statement signed by Pope Francis, Ahmed El-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Al Azhar, and around 30 religious leaders and representatives from a range of traditions, launched on December 3, the Faith Pavilion at COP28 puts forth this Call to Action.

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Pope Francis to attend Climate Change Conference in Dubai

Pope Francis will attend COP 28In the sacred corridors of the Vatican, Pope Francis, the 266th Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church, has become an unlikely champion of environmental preservation. This December, he will add another milestone to his papacy by attending the 28th annual Conference of the Parties (COP28) on climate change in Dubai. This journey to the Arabian Peninsula will be the first of its kind for any Pope since the inception of the COP meetings in 1995.
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Laudate Deum – Pope Francis renews his call to protect our common home

Laudate Deum – Pope Francis renews his call to protect our common homeOn the feast of St. Francis of Assisi (October 4), Pope Francis has released his new document on the Climate and Environment Laudate Deum, that completes his encyclical Laudato si’ published in May 2015, and is addressed “to all people of good will on the climate crisis.” The world is not moving fast enough to mitigate the devastating effects of climate change, Pope Francis wrote.
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Interfaith Rainforest Initiative Commitment and Call to Action for the Amazon Summit

Interfaith Rainforest Initiative logoThe Interfaith Rainforest Initiative seeks to mobilise communities of all faith traditions and spiritualities, from grassroots to leadership, to join the broad coalition working to protect tropical forests, fight climate change, defend the rights of indigenous peoples, quilombolas and traditional communities, and promote sustainable development in the Amazon. The Interfaith Rainforest Initiative will participate in the forthcoming Amazon Summit.
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Environment Victoria: People Power Workshops

Environment Victoria LogoEnvironment Victoria is conducting a series of workshops to skill people of Victoria on climate and environment issues. “People Power Workshops” is a free four-part workshop series presenting a great opportunity for people across Victoria who want to build their skills in community organising and campaigning on climate and environment issues. The four-part webinars commence on Wednesday, July 19

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Laudato Si’ Week 2023

Laudato Si’ Week 2023

Laudato Si’ Week 2023 will be celebrated May 21-28 with the film “The Letter” to mark the eighth anniversary of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical on care for creation. This global celebration will unite Catholics to rejoice in the progress we have made in bringing Laudato Si’ to life, and show how the protagonists of “The Letter” are already doing so.

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Vatican: International Mountain Day

Vatican: International Mountain Day

The Vatican Dicastery for Culture and Education will conduct an International Mountain Day Conference on 12 December 2022, online and on site. The theme of the Day is “Women Move Mountains” in recognition of the crucial role women play in the preservation of traditions and knowledge.

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Environmental Film Festival Australia

Environmental Film Festival Australia

Environmental Film Festival Australia (EFFA) presents a one-day mini-festival, showcasing Indigenous voices and sovereignty through film. This is a one-day cinema event at ACMI, Fed Square on 10 December 2022 celebrating Indigenous perspectives on climate, ecology, culture and custodianship.

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10 Spiritual Principles for Climate Repentance

promoting the 10 spiritual principles for climate repentanceThe 10 Spiritual Principles for Climate Repentance prompts religious leaders to call for a re-examination of deep-seated attitudes and identifying ways to transform people’s attitudes toward the well-being of Earth, mankind’s common home. The ecological crisis is a spiritual crisis of how we deal with this ongoing destruction of Planet Earth, our home. As spiritual beings the question before us is “When will religion – the sleeping giant – wake up to address the ecological crisis?
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Global religious leaders promote climate action during UN climate conference COP 27

Interfaith gathering for climate repentanceDozens of religious leaders from around the world gathered today Sunday November 13th, simultaneously in London, Sharm el – Sheikh, Jerusalem and other locations around the world to held a ground-breaking Climate Repentance Ceremony. The leaders walked together, in a prayerful, penitential march with scrolls bearing the Ten Principles for Climate Repentance.
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Care for Environment – Daoism

Dao Temple Cebu City

Daoism has existed as a tradition in China for at least 2,500 years. It takes its name from the Dao or “The Way,” as described in the Dao De Jing, “The Classic of the Way and Its Power,” attributed to the legendary Laozi, which means simply “the Old Master.” This work of great depth and beauty is one of the most translated books in the world.

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COP26 event urges partnership between religious, Indigenous leaders to save planet

COP26 event urges partnership between religious, Indigenous leaders to save planet

There can be no solution to the climate crisis that does not recognize the rights and spiritualities of Indigenous peoples, according to religious leaders who gathered for the official COP26 side event ‘Making Peace with Nature.’

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