Virtual Tour Sikh Gurduara

Sikh Temple, Shepparton

Watch a virtual tour of the Sikh Temple, the Sikh Gurduara Sahib Temple, in Doyles Road, Shepparton.

The Sikh Community in the Goulburn Valley comprises approximately 200 families, who find the local agrarian economy not unlike that of the Punjab in North India, where many Sikhs who have migrated hail from.

The virtual tour is introduced by Malwinder Singh of the Sikh Gurduara Sahib community. Malwinder Singh gives an overview of the Sikh migration to Shepparton and surrounding districts, and introduces the various aspects of the Sikh faith and its practices. Several others are also interviewed, and the langaar hall is shown, along with an explanation of various rituals conducted during a typical Sunday Sikh worship service.

Sikh Temple - Gurdwara Sahib, Shepparton

240 Doyles Road Shepparton

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