What Would William Cooper Do Today?

William CooperThere are some special events to honour William Cooper this 6 December. At the Israel and German embassies in Canberra, a plaque honouring him will be erected on the adjoining fence of the embassies, an amazing gesture of solidarity. Also, Michael McDonogh and Alice Young, the family of William Cooper, united with faith leaders from the Anglican, Baptist, and Pentecostal churches, Michael Pearce, the Hon Consul General of Germany, and former Senator Nova Peris OAM, are making a stand for social cohesion.Read more…


Some things change, some things stay the same

William Cooper and the LeagueThe other day, Mum shared a story about her grandmother. Irene Burdeu was her name. Born and bred in Essendon, she was one of eight siblings. Her elder brother was Arthur Burdeu, a trade unionist. But what caught my attention was that Arthur shared a close bond with William Cooper, a prominent elder and activist from the Yorta Yorta community.

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Barmah Anzac pilgrimage honours Indigenous soldiers in WWI Light Horse enactment

 Indigenous soldiers in WWI Light Horse enactment

Descendants of Indigenous diggers have paid tribute to their ancestors at Anzac celebrations across the country, as calls for recognition of First Nations soldiers continue.

WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that this article contains the names and images of people who have died, but published with the descendants’ permission.

It was the first time that Aboriginal riders joined the Light Horse memorial parade in the tiny border town of Barmah, Victoria on the banks of the Murray River.

Former stockman and Wangkangurru man Uncle Raymond Finn has made it his mission to highlight the sacrifices of First Nation soldiers and their military service to Australia.

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William Cooper’s dreams of Indigenous representation in Parliament inch closer

Senator Patrick DodsonThe man leading the charge on enshrining a First Nations voice in the constitution says he’s often inspired by the work of Indigenous rights pioneer William Cooper says the Special envoy for the implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart, Senator Patrick Dodson.
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World Premiere “Kristallnacht Cantata – A Voice Of Courage”

William Cooper and Otto Jontof-Hutter - World Premiere of The Kristallnacht Cantata – A Voice of Courage

The World Premiere of Kristallnacht Cantata, a stunning and imaginative orchestral and choral piece commemorating events surrounding Kristallnacht, the chilling precursor to the Holocaust. Two men, one German Jewish, one Australian Aboriginal, from vastly different backgrounds, form a bond of kinship and courage that distance and culture cannot divide. The premiere takes place at Temple Beth Israel, St Kilda, on the evening of 8 December 2019

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Grand Launch of Aboriginal Street Art Project

Greater Shepparton City Council in partnership with Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation and Rumbalara Co-Operative are holding a Grand Launch of the Aboriginal Street Art Project on the morning of 23 May 2017. All are invited. In the afternoon, there will be Conversations on Extraordinary Lives about the extraordinary lives of Pastor Sir Doug Nicholls and William Cooper at Latrobe University.
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