Daily Prayers and Meditations for Climate Change – COP 29


The 2024 Climate Change Conference began in Azerbaijan on November 11. On each day, Prayers and Meditations will be held for the welfare of our Earth and for the welfare of all who have suffered the impact of climate extremes. We will pray for our Earth, we will pray for our Cities, we will pray for our forests, and we will pray for all life-forms on Earth and in the Seas. The weekly prayers up to 5 November have been exceedingly well supported. Now, we continue for the duration of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, daily. All welcome to join.

The 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29) opens next week in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan and decisions made there will impact all of us.

As from Monday 11th November Prayers and Meditations for our Earth and UN Climate Change Conference COP 29 will be held DAILY (except Sunday 17th Nov when the conference centre is closed)

Daily Session Times

9.00 am Perth
10.00 AM Japan
11.00 AM Brisbane (AEST)
11.30 AM South Australia
12:00 PM Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney (AEDT)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 972 4556 0434
(or you can use this compressed link if you wish: tiny.cc/forourearth)

Session Details:

  • Theme: Prayers and Meditations for Our Earth and UN Climate Conference
  • Reflection: A participant will offer a 3 – 5 minute reflection to guide us into silent prayers and meditations.
  • Silent Meditation: 20 minutes of silent meditation, each according to their tradition.
  • Conclusion: Participants who wish to depart after the meditation may do so. Those who want to stay for a brief conversation are welcome.
  • Duration: We aim to conclude within 30 minutes.
  • Date: Commencing Monday 11 November 2024 – We will then hold daily sessions each and every morning for the 11 days of the Conference.
  • No Prayers on Sunday 17 November as this is a rest day for the Conference
  • Time: 9.00 am Perth, 10.00 AM Japan, 11.00 AM Brisbane, 11.30 AM South Australia, 12:00 PM Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney
  • Location: Online using Zoom
  • Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/97245560434?pwd=Zk5LMTFTMmVxQnNHN1doQ3BuQy9Wdz09 Meeting ID: 972 4556 0434

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