Hajj in extraordinary heat: what a scholar of Islam saw in Mecca

Muslim pilgrims in Mina, near the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on June 18, 2024.
AP Photo/Rafiq Maqbool

At least 1,300 people died because of scorching heat during the Hajj pilgrimage in June 2024. It’s not the first time that such a tragic incident hit the pilgrimage. More than a thousand were killed in a heat wave in 1985, and deaths due to stampedes and other crowd-related disasters have been reported in previous years.

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Engaging Men from Multicultural and Faith-based Communities in Primary Prevention

Engaging Men from Multicultural and Faith-based Communities in Primary Prevention
This guide has been produced as part of the Supporting Multicultural Communities to Prevent Family Violence Program. This resource has been developed as part of the Connecting Communities program, a partnership between the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) and Safe and Equal to support the learning and professional development needs of the Connecting Communities network. This network is a group of organisations working with multicultural and faith-based communities to prevent violence against women in Victoria since 2022, and is funded through the Victorian Government, Supporting Multicultural Communities to Prevent Family Violence Program.
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Yes proponents analyse defeat of Voice referendum

Dr Damien Freeman and Fr Frank Brennan SJ discussing their books A failure of process, a shift in the nation’s temper, a lack of reliable information and the city-regions divide were among factors contributing to the defeat of the Voice to Parliament referendum, leading Yes proponents said at the launch of two new books at the Australian Catholic University on 2 July.
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Jewish and Muslim communities search for solidarity

Symbols of Islam, Judaism and ChristianitySix months of Israeli retaliation in Gaza for the October 7 Hamas terror attacks have put Jewish-Muslim relations in particular peril. Germany’s hypersensitivity to anti-Semitism adds an extra layer of difficulty.
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Buddha Day – Chokhor Duchen Celebrating the First Teaching: How to celebrate Buddha’s First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma — this year on July 9 or 10, 2024

Wall mural painting of The Buddha
Wall mural painting of The Buddha in Dharmchakra Teaching Mudra, representing the Turning of The Wheel of Dharma mudra or pose, Jokhang Temple, Lhasa, Tibet. In Buddhism, the Dharma Chakra symbolizes “teaching.” The Jokhang is a Buddhist temple in Barkhor Square in Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet and became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Of the four Holy Days dedicated to Shakyamuni Buddha each year, Chokhor Duchen, the “First Teaching” celebration — the first turning of the Wheel of Dharma — is the most important. This year in Tibetan Buddhist Tradition, it is celebrated on July 9 or 10, 2024, depending on your lunar calendar. FPMT calculates it as July 10, while some other centres have it as July 9 — due to lunar skip days. There are also time-zone differences. The important thing is to celebrate the first teaching!
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NAIDOC Week 2024

NAIDOC Week 2024

NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The 2024 Theme: ‘KEEP THE FIRE BURNING! BLAK, LOUD AND PROUD’. This year’s theme celebrates the unyielding spirit of indigenous communities and invites all to stand in solidarity, amplifying the voices that have long been silenced. Shepparton Interfaith Network honours the First Nations and actively supports First Nations spirituality and Law as it is kept and observed by those inheritors of the Dreamtime and their Ancestors, past, present and emerging.

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Appointment of Israel lobbyist as antisemitism envoy will only drive further division

Jewish Council of Australia logoThe Jewish Council of Australia is concerned at yesterday’s report of the government’s impending appointment of a pro-Israel advocate as a special envoy on antisemitism. The treatment of antisemitism as distinct from other forms of racism undermines the important work being done across racial lines to address all forms of racism.

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Caring for Muslim Patients Handbook – 4th Edition

Islamic Centre of VictoriaThe Islamic Council of Victoria announces the release of the fourth edition of their handbook Caring for Muslim Patients. This handbook for healthcare professionals and providers covers information on hospital chaplaincy for Muslim patients, guidelines on caring for Muslim patients, and an outline of the Islamic approach to palliative care and end-of-life challenges.
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A History of Muslims in the Australian Military from 1885 to 1945: Loyalty, Patriotism, Contribution

Dr Dzavid HavericDr Dzavid Haveric has authored an essential book about Australian Muslims and their descendants in the Australian Military, thus filling an important gap in not only military history of Australia, but also the history of those who settled here, called Australia home, and served in the armed forces. It is a remarkable document of their loyalty, patriotism and contribution in many theaters of war. This book is at the forefront of a new chapter in Australian military history. It is a fascinating collection of many unique social-military stories that record Muslim involvement in Australian military forces from the Sudan and Boer wars to the Great War and Second World War.

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‘If the land is sick, so are we’: Australian First Nations spirituality explained

Aboriginal Religious art

As an interfaith network, respect is given to all religions and spiritualities. In particular, we do not speak about Indigenous spirituality, rather, we allow indigenous peoples to share their law, their practice, their spiritual beliefs. We are coming to know that their presence in this land is older than 60,000 years – so these beliefs handed down in oral tradition are older than the Abrahamic religions. Here, this article by Joshua Waters, Senior Research Fellow, Indigenous Knowledges, Deakin University shares beliefs about the wellness of the land and the wellness of those who inhabit it.

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Pope Francis issues G7 Leaders challenge on Artificial Intelligence

Pope Francis speaks at the Group of Seven meeting in Italy

BARI, Italy — Pope Francis challenged leaders of the world’s wealthy democracies on Friday to keep human dignity foremost in developing and using artificial intelligence, warning that such powerful technology risks turning human relations themselves into mere algorithms.

Francis brought his moral authority to bear on the Group of Seven, invited by host Italy to address a special session at their annual summit on the perils and promises of AI. In doing so, he became the first pope to attend the G7, offering an ethical take on an issue that is increasingly on the agenda of international summits, government policy and corporate boards alike.

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Hajj – a vision of interfaith solidarity

Kaaba - the goal of the Hajj pilgrimageThe Islamic Pilgrimage to Mecca in 2024 occurs from Evening of Friday, 14 June 2024 – Wednesday, 19 June 2024 when Muslims turn to the Kaaba as a common centre point, they are reminded of their sacred bond with the entire human race and their special relationship with the other Abrahamic religions.
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Pope Francis and Artificial Intelligence

Pope against the machineWhen Pope Francis delivered a message for the World Day of Social Communications, he focused on Artificial Intelligence. The topic clearly preoccupies him, having previously discussed it in his message for the World Day of Peace. There, he reflected on the place that Artificial Intelligence has in war-making and the place it could have in peace-making. He also suggested that the Congregation of the Faith bring it into their discussion of pressing ethical concerns.
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Pope to Buddhists: ‘Let’s work together for a more inclusive world’

Pope Francis with BuddhistsPope Francis receives a delegation of Buddhist monks from the Wat Phra Cetuphon temple (also known as the Wat Pho) of Bangkok, one of the most important Buddhist temples in Thailand, and encourages them to continue fostering dialogue and cooperation for a better world.
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Community Memorial Event

candles in the darkGV Hospice is organising their second Community Candlelight Memorial Event in May to remember and celebrate the lives of loved ones lost over the past 12 months. All members of the Community are invited to light a candle and write a message for those they wish to remember. The event will take place at the lake foreshore, at the amphitheatre behind the SAM building. The candlelight event will take place from 5.30pm until 6.30pm on Wednesday 22nd May 2024.
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The Buddhist festival Vesak returns to Shepparton

Vesak LanternsBUDDHISTS around the world are preparing for the Vesak Day Celebrations, which will take place on Thursday, May 23. Vesak, otherwise, known as Buddha Day is traditionally observed by Buddhists from South and Southeast Asia, Tibet and Mongolia, and is celebrated by millions of Buddhists around the world. Vesak will be celebrated in Queens Gardens, Shepparton, on afternoon of 18 May 2024, commencing at 4:00pm

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