Leadership Victoria Course for Shepparton

lv1 Shepparton Interfaith Network is a partner in the forthcoming New and Emerging Communities Leadership Program to be conducted in Shepparton. The New and Emerging Communities Leadership Program (NECLP) provides an outstanding opportunity for potential and current leaders from new and emerging communities across Victoria to build their leadership skills and capacity in order to contribute to community development. ... Read more...


Women in Leadership Forum

Women in Leadership Forum Latrobe University Shepparton Campus and and Greater Shepparton City Council, with support from The Greater Shepparton Women’s Charter Alliance Advisory Committee, will conduct a Women in Leadership Forum at 7pm on Thursday 29 October 2015 at Eastbank Centre, Shepparton. ... Read more...


A Common Word Among the Youth

a common word among youth Following on with the success of "A Common Word between Us and You" is A Common Word Among Youth. This is a program fostered by the Right Start Foundation International which offers placements for youth between 18 - 35 to participate in training for initiating change and translating international issues into local community activities. ... Read more...


Multifaith Future Leaders Program

Mulitfaith Future Leaders CampThe B’nai Brith Anti Defamation Commission aims to promote respect and justice and oppose racism and hatred. They run many programs one of which is a Multifaith Future Leaders Program. The B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) is accepting nominations for its Multifaith Future Leaders Program for young and upcoming religious leaders for a one-day program in July 2015.

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