Multifaith Future Leaders Program

Mulitfaith Future Leaders CampThe B’nai Brith Anti Defamation Commission aims to promote respect and justice and oppose racism and hatred. They run many programs one of which is a Multifaith Future Leaders Program. The B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) is accepting nominations for its Multifaith Future Leaders Program for young and upcoming religious leaders for a one-day program in July 2015.

The B’nai Brith Anti Defamation Commission aims to promote respect and justice and oppose racism and hatred. They run many programs one of which is a Multifaith Future Leaders Program. The B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) is accepting nominations for its Multifaith Future Leaders Program for young and upcoming religious leaders for a one-day program in July 2015.

The B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) promotes tolerance, justice and multiculturalism. ADC tackle issues of racism, hatred and anti-Semitism. Each year the ADC hosts the Multifaith Future Leaders Program. This year we will be conducting a one day seminar for upcoming leaders of faith communities.

We would like you to nominate one or two young adults (aged 18-30) to participate in this exciting initiative. They will undertake leadership training, group discussion and activities. There is no charge and the day will include a catered lunch and dinner. There will be an early evening activity and the day will conclude at 8pm.

The event will take place on Tuesday 21st July, 2015 in Caulfield.

Please let us know if you have suitable candidates and ask them to apply through our website:

For further information, contact the Development Officer, B’nai Brith Anti Defamation Commission, PO Box 340 Caulfield South 3162, Ph: (03) 9572 5677 Fax:


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