The annual Victorian Mosque Open Day will be back on the 15th of February from 10:00am. Mosques in Victoria look forward to hosting visitors with dozens of local mosques ready to open their doors to the whole Victorian community.
The annual Victorian Mosque Open Day will be back on the 15th of February from 10:00am. Mosques in Victoria look forward to hosting visitors with dozens of local mosques ready to open their doors to the whole Victorian community.
The Islamic Council of Victoria announces the release of the fourth edition of their handbook Caring for Muslim Patients. This handbook for healthcare professionals and providers covers information on hospital chaplaincy for Muslim patients, guidelines on caring for Muslim patients, and an outline of the Islamic approach to palliative care and end-of-life challenges.
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The Victorian Government is investing in the safety of Victorian faith communities, with new support to combat antisemitism and Islamophobia to make sure communities feel safe, welcomed and celebrated.
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What are the reporting barriers and support needs of people who experience racism? The Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria is partnering with the Islamic Council of Victoria and Victoria University on a research project, funded by VicHealth, to inform recommendations on how to improve anti-racism support and reporting pathways. Participation is sought from members of multifaith communities. If you are a Victorian aged 18 or older and identify as a member of a multicultural or multifaith community, you are invited to take part in the project by doing this short survey.
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The Islamic Centre of Victoria has recently produced a Statement on Islamophobia. The statement explains Islamophobia, violent extremism and countering violent extremism. The statement has significant support from public leaders and the religious communities of Victoria. We provide a truncated summary of this document.
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