Have your say on anti-racism

Have your say on RacismWhat are the reporting barriers and support needs of people who experience racism? The Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria is partnering with the Islamic Council of Victoria and Victoria University on a research project, funded by VicHealth, to inform recommendations on how to improve anti-racism support and reporting pathways. Participation is sought from members of multifaith communities. If you are a Victorian aged 18 or older and identify as a member of a multicultural or multifaith community, you are invited to take part in the project by doing this short survey.

You are kindly invited to participate in the project Understanding reporting barriers and support needs of those experiencing racism. The project is conducted by Dr Mario Peucker, Professor Tom Clark, Dr Jo Doley and Ms Franka Vaughan from Victoria University in partnership with the Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria (ECCV) and the Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV); it is funded by VicHealth.

Racism continues to be a reality for many in Victoria, and those who experience racism often do not report it for various reasons. Without reporting, people can’t get the support they may need, and non-reporting can further aggravate the negative effects of racism on people’s sense of belonging, safety, health and socioeconomic opportunities.

Victoria University works with the Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria and the Islamic Council of Victoria to change this by listening to the voices of Victoria’s multicultural and multifaith communities to better understand existing reporting barriers and support needs for those who have experienced racism. This is why we would like to kindly invite you to share your experiences, views and suggestions by completing this community survey.

Your insights will help identify gaps in the existing reporting and support services and develop recommendations on how to improve anti-racism services in line with the needs and expectations of people from Victoria’s multicultural and multifaith communities. We see this as a way to help empower those in the community who face racism, and to counter the negative social and personal effects of racism. You can find more information about the project here: Survey information

Your participation is, of course, entirely voluntary, confidential and anonymous. Completing the survey takes around 8-10 min. If you like, you can enter into a draw to win one of the gift vouchers (1x$300, 2x$200 and 3x$100).

Who can participate?
If you are 18 years or older, live in Victoria and are from a multicultural or multifaith community, we would love to hear from you. To start the survey, please GO HERE and tick the consent box below and you are ready to go.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr Mario Peucker, Victoria University: Mario.peucker@vu.edu.au


The Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria is partnering with the Islamic Council of Victoria and Victoria University
The Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria is partnering with the Islamic Council of Victoria and Victoria University on a research project on anti-racism measures for people of multicultural and multifaith communities


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