Understanding reporting barriers and support needs of people experiencing racism

Understanding reporting barriers and support needs of people experiencing racism
Victoria University is conducting an anti-racism project called Understanding reporting barriers and support needs of people experiencing racism, in collaboration with Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria (ECCV) and the Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV). The project is funded by the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth).

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Have your say on anti-racism

Have your say on RacismWhat are the reporting barriers and support needs of people who experience racism? The Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria is partnering with the Islamic Council of Victoria and Victoria University on a research project, funded by VicHealth, to inform recommendations on how to improve anti-racism support and reporting pathways. Participation is sought from members of multifaith communities. If you are a Victorian aged 18 or older and identify as a member of a multicultural or multifaith community, you are invited to take part in the project by doing this short survey.
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