Environment Victoria: People Power Workshops

Environment Victoria LogoEnvironment Victoria is conducting a series of workshops to skill people of Victoria on climate and environment issues. “People Power Workshops” is a free four-part workshop series presenting a great opportunity for people across Victoria who want to build their skills in community organising and campaigning on climate and environment issues. The four-part webinars commence on Wednesday, July 19

Why are we running these workshops?

At Environment Victoria we’ve seen time and again that people power is key to successful wins on the things that matter, like stopping AGL’s gas import terminal in Westernport Bay, to securing world leading emissions reductions targets. So, we’re ramping up our efforts to grow state-wide network of people who will organise your community to take action for our environment and climate and connect with others across the state and work together to achieve big wins.

Who are they for?

If you live in Victoria and you want to start or continue to build people power in your community and across the state, then this is for you.

What is the Environment Victoria Action Network?

We are a diverse network of people across Victoria working together to win real changes and expand what’s possible on the road to a more just and sustainable society. You can read more about us here.

What will we do at the workshop?

These workshops will focus on learning and applying the skills you need to organise your neighbourhood or broader community, guided by Environment Victoria’s strategy and approach.

We’ll cover things like how to identify people in your community who are movers and shakers with whom we need to build relationships, how to have structured conversations to build trust and get their support, and how to communicate an inspiring vision of what we can achieve if we work together.

And we’ll run through how Environment Victoria can continue to support you as you build people power in your community.

The workshop will involve practical small group work. We encourage you to sign up with friends from your local community or group, we will do our best to ensure you get to work together.

I’m already in a local group, is this workshop suitable?

Yes, while these workshops will have a focus on Environment Victoria’s major campaigns, the content will be useful for anyone working on environmental and climate issues, but don’t just take our word for it. See below from Jane Sultana from the Latrobe Valley Sustainability Group (LVSG).

“Several members of LVSG attended the People Power workshops run by EV in 2021. The workshops were informative, interesting and highly motivating. Since then we have continued our relationship with EV, working on campaigns for ‘A Fast and Fair Transition,’ ‘Clean Energy for All’ and ‘Getting Victoria off Gas.’ Working alongside EV has given our small grassroots group direction, support, resources and most importantly the knowledge that we are a part of something much bigger; a growing people powered movement. LVSG remains independent and we are not compelled to follow EV’s direction. We decide the extent to which we support EV’s campaigns. The Latrobe Valley Sustainability Group has great respect for Environment Victoria and its team of skilled and passionate workers. I would highly recommend the People Power workshops to other local sustainability groups.”

Join our People Power Workshop series today!

Over four online workshop sessions, you’ll join others from across the state, to:

• Learn new skills to organise your community for environmental and climate action
• Hear about Environment Victoria’s approach and discuss strategies for building power across Victoria
• Make new friends and take the next steps towards big wins in fighting the climate and environmental crisis here in Victoria

The People Power Workshops are a series of 4 online workshops running across July and August. We are asking people to commit to all 4 workshops. The workshops will be practical and challenging and will involve both large and small group activities

Workshop dates:

• Wednesday 19th July, 6:30pm-8:30pm
• Wednesday 26th July, 6:30pm -8:30pm
• Wednesday 2nd August, 6:30pm-8:30pm
• Wednesday 9th August, 6:30pm-8:30pm

You can find out more about the People Power Workshops and register to join here. https://environmentvictoria.org.au/2023/05/31/people-power-workshop-series-2/


Environment Victoria: People Power Workshops
Environment Victoria: People Power Workshops


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