There is commitment, action and support of the indigenous communities of Shepparton and the Goulburn Murray. Local businesses, local government, the Shepparton Interfaith Network and the Shepparton Regional Reconciliation Group are active supporters and participate in the Shepparton Regional Reconciliation Group. In this article, we consider recent national reports, activities and the Commemoration of the National Apology, held in Queens Gardens, Shepparton.
On 13 February 2008, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a formal apology to Australia’s Indigenous peoples, particularly those whose lives had been blighted by the practice of forced child removal. This defining moment in Australian history was the culmination of years of hard work by Indigenous people and their supporters. Shepparton Reconciliation Group invites you to join in the celebration of the 8th Anniversary of the National Apology on the morning of Friday, 12 February, 2016.