A National Human Rights Act for Australia

A National Human Rights Act for Australia

Australia is the only liberal democracy that does not have a bill or charter of rights at the national level, and people’s human rights are not very well protected in Australian law. The starting point for a national Human Rights Act is to recognise that people’s human rights matter, all of the time, and should be protected.

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National Anti-Racism Framework

Australian Human Rights Commission logo

The Australian Human Rights Commission is inviting submissions to inform the development of a National Anti-Racism Framework.

The Framework will be a central reference to guide actions on anti-racism and equality by government, NGOs, business, communities, and other sectors. The Commission is deeply interested in hearing from those with expertise and knowledge of anti-racism initiatives and in responding to racism at structural, institutional, and inter-personal levels.

The Australian Human Rights Commission is accepting submissions to inform the development of a National Anti-Racism Framework up to 15 December 2021.

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Lecture: Embracing Cultural Diversity in Australia

Embracing cultural diversity in Australia

The Australian Human Rights Commission invites you to the Annual Kep Enderby Memorial Lecture, delivered by writer Alice Pung on the theme, Embracing Cultural Diversity in Australia. This event (free) will be held online on Friday 29 October at 12pm.

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Sikh volunteer group recognised as ‘Australian Human Rights Heroes 2020’

Sikh Volunteers Australia The Melbourne-based non-profit organisation, Sikh Volunteers Australia has been handpicked as one of the Australian Human Rights Heroes for the year 2020 for providing free food to the communities during catastrophic bushfires and the various stages of COVID-19 lockdowns in Victoria.
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