Racism: It Stops with ME

Racism: It Stops with ME logoRacism. It Stops With Me is a national campaign that provides tools and resources to help people and organisations learn about racism and take action to create change.

Racism. It Stops With Me is a national campaign that provides tools and resources to help people and organisations learn about racism and take action to create change.

The campaign invites us to ask ourselves important questions about the role of racism in shaping society, the way we see ourselves and how we interact with one another. To explore these questions and find out more information, visit the About the campaign section of this website.



The Racism. It Stops With Me website provides information on the campaign and resources to support learning about and action against racism.

This website also hosts the Workplace Cultural Diversity Tool, a free, online, confidential self-assessment tool for organisations seeking to strengthen their approach to cultural diversity and anti-racism in the workplace.

The Racism. It Stops With Me campaign invites us to ask ourselves important questions about the role of racism in shaping society, the way we see ourselves and how we interact with one another. To explore these questions and find out more information, visit the Questions and Context page.

A message from the Race Discrimination Commissioner

Race Discrimination Commissioner

Australians value equality, justice and fairness. Despite this, we know that racism exists and causes harm to many in Australia, preventing them from accessing equal opportunities and outcomes.

In 2022, we are relaunching the Racism. It Stops With Me campaign and redoubling our commitment to highlighting and tackling racism in communities, homes, workplaces and schools.

Racism is more than just harmful words or individual actions, but also informs the development of our society, institutions, laws, policies and norms. Racism is destructive to our collective well-being as a community. That is why we must all come together to take collective action against racism, and commit to active anti-racism efforts, to address it.

I believe we have the resolve and means to create a society that is truly just, equal and equitable. First Nations communities, and culturally and linguistically diverse communities, have been leading anti-racism action in Australia for many years. There is a role for everyone to play in building a better and safer Australia.

Now is the time for us to commit to learning, be accountable, act and work within our sphere of influence to create meaningful change and make a difference to eliminate racism.

Together, we can fight against racism and build a fair, just and equal society – for all.

Racism, it stops with us. Find out more here

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