Meditation Session in Shepparton

buddhist meditatioBuddha taught the many benefits of meditation more than 2500 years ago — and modern medical science confirms this – and reinforces those benefits in study after study. The good news here — aside from reinforcing Buddha’s teachings — is the benefits are broad spectrum. All sorts of people — who live incredibly diverse lives and have very different problems — can find the same benefits and wonders in meditation. The Buddhist Association of the Goulburn Valley invites you to participate in a Free Meditation session on Saturday 28th of May 2022 from 3.00 pm to 3.45 pm.

Meditation is a way of calming the mind, making us more peaceful, balanced and focused in our daily lives. Ultimately, it enables us to awaken our spiritual potential and find lasting joy and contentment.

The Buddhist Association of the Goulburn Valley is cordially inviting you to join a Meditation on Saturday 28th of May 2022 from 3.00 pm to 3.45 pm at the Shepparton Senior Citizens Centre (132 Welsford St, Shepparton VIC 3630).

This meditation session will be conducted by Venerable Phra Ronrawee from Dhammakaya Meditation Centre Melbourne – Sunbury.

Keeping a space clear for meditation requires determination. Neighboring activities will try to encroach on our cleared space. In gardening terminology, such encroaching plants are called spreaders. Think of bee balm or any members of the square-stemmed mint family—if you give them an inch, they’ll take over the yard. Seemingly urgent incoming information will try to crowd out our important relationships, including our relationship to our meditation practice. Consider dividing in half the time you spend social networking. I set a “mindfulness bell” to ring an hour before bedtime on my computer to remind me to turn it off and sit for twenty minutes before going to sleep.

Plant the seeds of mindfulness by focusing on the breath, sounds, or sensations.

Clear some space in your home as well as your schedule. Set up a cushion or a chair. Perhaps use a nearby shelf as an altar. Then commit to sit, at a regular time in this regular place. Set a timer for, say, twenty minutes on your microwave or cellphone.





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