Ten Things Everyone needs to know about Islam

Book Cover, Ten Things everyone needs to know about Islam

Islam and Muslims today suffer unjustly from a bad reputation. This new book opens ways of understanding, albeit more important as understanding is needed by many in our community in this day, this age. This simple and readable introduction to the salient points of Islam aid comprehension and understanding of the fundamentals of Islam as a religion for one who knows little.

Islam and Islamists (what does that word Islamists mean? It means, unfortunately, whatever the users of that word mean, usually in a pejorative sense) are frequently depicted in extremist violent acts. This creates a distorted view of a religion of peace; for media coverage of criminal terrorist activities carried out by a tiny minority of extremist elements in the last decade or so, does little to promote a positive stereotype of Islam and Muslims let alone, understand that these people seek peace with their neighbours, and with the world.

The Columban Mission Institute has re-printed Ten Things Everyone Needs to Know About Islam by Professor John L. Esposito to counter the negative stereotypes and prejudices and to provide accurate information on Muslims and Islam.

In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in the United States on 11 September 2001, Professor Esposito was called upon to address a wide range of audiences seeking explanation of those events. He collated the pressing questions that his audiences constantly asked him and published his answers in What Everyone Needs to Know About Islam. The book is the result of his many years of study, scholarship, lecturing, publishing and dialogue with Muslims. His answers are clear, direct, balanced, and informative.

In the 29 page booklet, the nearly one hundred questions and answers are whittled down to ten core questions and answers. For those who need to start with the basics, these are answers to the top ten most urgent questions about Islam that are on everyone's mind.

We are delighted that this effort to promote better understanding is already proving very popular. In the last month alone we have moved nearly five hundred booklets - one Catholic bishop bought copies for every priest, lay pastoral leader and lay leader in his diocese; a secondary school teacher bought copies for every student in Year 11; and many others have bought multiple copies to pass on to family, friends and colleagues.

It is a valuable resource for teachers, catechists, parish workers and social workers.

The $4 price tag is deliberately minimal to ensure that the book is affordable to everyone and out of reach of no one. In our 21st century globalized world where Muslims and Christians together make up over fifty percent of the world's population, we can no longer afford to be ignorant about each other.

Book Cover, Ten Things Everyone Needs to know about Islam

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Centre for Christian-Muslim Relations
Locked Bag 2002
Strathfield NSW 2135
Phone: (02) 9352 8000
Fax: (02) 9746 8033
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