As leaders and people of faith, we oppose family violence and violence against women and their children in all its forms. Across our faith traditions, we declare that:
- Family violence and violence against women is wrong and unacceptable.
- Every human being should be seen as valued, important and equal. All should be treated with respect and equality. Sacred texts, scriptures and cultural traditions should not be used as a way to justify or excuse violence against women.
- True religion will use its sacred text with reverence and awe, not as a tool to justify imperfection and failing, but as an inspiration to live a better way.
- Our faiths affirm that love, respect, equality and living well together are ideals to aim for.
We are committed to preventing violence against women in our communities by promoting equality and respect toward women. To live in a world where our families and communities are free and safe from violence, we must treat all individuals – women, men, girls and boys – with dignity, equality and respect. Promoting equality and respect in our communities benefits us all and strengthens our communities. A strong community is one where we can all contribute and participate equally.
Faith Communities Council of Victoria is comprised of the following peak bodies: Baha'i Community of Victoria, Brahma Kumaris Australia, Buddhist Council of Victoria, Hindu Community Council of Victoria, Islamic Council of Victoria, Jewish Community Council of Victoria, Sikh Interfaith Council of Victoria and Victorian Council of Churches.
The above statement is drawn from the resource, 'Promoting Equality and Respect: An interfaith collaboration on preventing family violence’, developed as part of the CHALLENGE Family Violence project. This project is a partnership between City of Casey, Cardinia Shire Council, City of Greater Dandenong and Monash Health, and funded as part of the Victorian Government’s Community Crime Prevention Program.