Much has happened around the world in recent weeks. Paris, Lebanon, Punjab, Africa. The media is filled with news that is not peaceful. In response, Shepparton Interfaith Network, in collaboration with community stakeholders, is collaborating to provide a Picnic for Peace at Victoria Park Lake, Shepparton on Sunday 29 November from 5PM.
In light of many sad happenings around the world we are gathering to promote Peace, Positivity, Hope and Unity. You are invited to come join us for this family friendly picnic.
Dalai Lama speaks on taking action for Peace
People want to lead a peaceful lives. The terrorists are short-sighted, and this is one of the causes of rampant suicide bombings. We cannot solve this problem only through prayers. I am a Buddhist and I believe in praying. But humans have created this problem, and now we are asking God to solve it. It is illogical. God would say, solve it yourself because you created it in the first place.
We need a systematic approach to foster humanistic values, of oneness and harmony. If we start doing it now, there is hope that this century will be different from the previous one. It is in everybody’s interest. So let us work for peace within our families and society
- BBQ food provided or you are welcome to bring your own picnic
- Live music & performance
- Activities for all ages – Fly a Kite a Peace, Kick a goal for peace + more.
Spread your message of Peace – bring your posters for peace or any artwork that has the message of hope and peace and enjoy some other lovely surprises!
We will have a limited number of kites available on the day but if you have your own kite I encourage you to bring it along.
If you can’t join us on the day perhaps you can have a Picnic for Peace wherever you are – it can be a solo picnic, a picnic with few people or a big picnic. We encourage you take a photo and upload it here and to social media with the hashtag #picnic4peace
Event Details
Event: Picnic for Peace
Place: Victoria Park Lake, near the Skate Ramp
Time: 5 – 8 pm
Program :BBQ, Music, Songs for Peace, Water trailer, Kites for Peace, Kick a Goal for peace; bring your own blanket, picnic and enjoy.
Facilities: Toilets and BBQ nearby. Water trailer will have water for refillable bottles
Hashtag : #picnic4peace
Facebook: Picnic for Peace Shepparton
More information: Liz Arcus 0407 861 303