The task of repairing words, and the world, after the Holocaust

Anti-Semitic sign that reads Juden sind hier unerwunscht (Jews Are Unwanted Here)
Anti-Semitic sign that reads Juden sind hier unerwunscht (Jews Are Unwanted Here)
27 January is Holocaust Remembrance Day, world-wide. Here is a talk given at Sydney Jewish Museum on 28 January. The task for my generation — the last that will know the survivors of the Holocaust personally — is to hold “that, which happened” in our hearts, not simply as an historical event, but as an eternal caution against hate and prejudice, writes Simon Tedeschi.
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International Holocaust Remembrance Day

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

You are cordially invited to join us for the first Australia-wide commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January at 7pm. Join the Jewish Communities and Museums of Australia to heed the action to shine our own ‘light’ on intolerance and injustices that continue to prevail.

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