This Holy Season – Part 1

symbols of religions

Upon examining the Interfaith Calendar, there are 26 events or observances during the month of April. The first full moon after the vernal equinox brings events for five faiths in its wake. There are observances before that full moon and after. So we shall bring you a triptych – three panels in art (often depicting the Divine or saints) – three articles covering the events of this Holy Season of 2022.

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An Interfaith Holy Week

symbols of religions

Holy week is the name given to the week before Easter, wherein Christians mark the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus with many ceremonies. During this week, several other religions celebrate festivals, commemorations and sacred times.

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Religions and their Festivals at Easter

new-coexistEaster is a sacred season of Christianity. At the time of Easter, there are religious festivals in Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Judaism, to name a few. Jains observe the birthday of Mahavir; East Asian Buddhists observe the birthday of Quan Yin. There is the Passover of the Jewish Faith and the Sikhs recall the fifth Guru, Guru Arjan Dev, who compiled the Guru Granth Sahib. These are among the religious festivals celebrated at this time.
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