On ‘Welcome’: Migration, First Nations and Refugee Communities

Wheeler Centre LogoWhat’s in a welcome? It’s a word we hear often in relation to Australia’s refugee movement – but in the context of hostile refugee policy and unceded sovereignty, what meanings can it hold? The Wheeler Centre will present an online exploration about Austalia’s “Welcome” in collaboration with the Refugee Council of Australia on Sunday 14 June 2020, 6.15pm-7.15pm at wheelercentre.com

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Racism Initiative extends to Shepparton

Report Racism

Report Racism aims to create an environment where you can feel confident and safe to report any cases of racism you experience or witness (including racial discrimination and vilification).

Report Racism is a third party reporting initiative which means that people can report racism online or at a local community organisation as well as directly to Victoria Police or the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission.

Report Racism is trialling this initiative with the Aboriginal community. The Commission has partnered with the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service and Victoria Police. Report Racism is being trialled in two locations – Northern Melbourne (City of Yarra, Darebin and Whittlesea) and Shepparton.



Respecting Difference Forum

Racism, it stops with me

On Wednesday 25 June 2014, Greater Shepparton City Council in partnership with the Shepparton Region Reconciliation Group and Ethnic Council Shepparton & District, conducted the Respecting Difference Forum as part of the Localities Embracing and Accepting Diversity Project. This took place at the Rumbalara Football and Netball rooms at Mercury Drive.



Reducing Race Based Discrimination for Health

spiritual health

Greater Shepparton City Council is inviting representatives from local service organisations to attend a free short course on reducing race-based discrimination for health. The two day short course will equip participants to build leadership and skills in organisations and communities to address race-based discrimination and to develop a greater appreciation of the benefits of cultural diversity.

