May 5 marks Orthodox Easter. Why is it celebrated after Easter in the west?

The Ecumenical Patriarch celebrates Orthodox Easter
The Ecumenical Patriarch celebrates Orthodox Easter

For the more than half-a-million Australians who identify as Orthodox Christians, today is a significant day.

Sunday May 5 is Orthodox Easter, a date which falls more than a month after the more-widely recognised western Easter Sunday which is celebrated as a public holiday in Australia.

In both churches, Easter is considered the most important and holy occasion in the Christian calendar.

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Pascha: The Orthodox Easter

Orthodox AltarOrthodox Christians are ready to celebrate Easter, finding deep reasons for joy even amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. As people gather in-person or online to worship together, different nations and diverse communities are coping with vastly different circumstances and challenges. Even amid this, Orthodox communities are drawing together to celebrate the risen Christ and the value of the human person.
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