Italian Christians establish safe Mediterranean passageways for refugees

A coalition of Protestant and Catholic organisations has reached an agreement with the Italian government to provide travel and integration services for refugees from North Africa and the Middle East. The government will provide humanitarian visas to ensure the right to take up residence; the visas will not allow passage to other countries in the European Union. Christian agencies will furnish airline tickets to Italy as well as accommodation, assistance with asylum procedures, educational opportunities and Italian language courses. ... Read more...


Migrant Voices – Mario Bettanin

Mario Bettanin

Mario Bettanin, Shepparton Citizen of the Year in 2011, immigrated from Italy to Shepparton and worked fro 42 years in the Goulburn Valley. Being a part of Australian community requires perseverance, commitment, and a willingness to help your neighbour and take whatever steps are needed to create community resources. The Australian Community, having had Jewish and Italian migrations to the Goulburn Valley, are ready to accept new immigrants, willingly.

