Voice to Parliament: Faith Leaders’ Open Letter

Yes - support a first nations voice to parliament

This morning, Leader’s of Australia’s major religious and ethno-religious organisations have called upon all Federal parliamentarians to support a First Nations’ voice to parliament, called for through the 2017 Uluru Statement from the Heart. The Shepparton Interfaith Network supports the Voice to Parliament along with the national multifaith leaders.

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Public Display of Nazi Symbols Banned in NSW

Nazi Symbol called Hakenkreutz

A new law has passed in the NSW Parliament making it a criminal offence to knowingly display a Nazi symbol in public without reasonable excuse. The new offence, Crimes Amendment (Prohibition on Display of Nazi Symbols) Bill 2022, falls under the Crimes Act 1900.

The NSW government’s decision to criminalise the use of Nazi symbols echoes the Victorian government’s decision made at the end of June.

The offence carries a maximum penalty of 12 months imprisonment or an $11,000 fine, or both, for an individual. It carries a fine of $55,000 for a corporation.

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