A Sacred Season

In this time of the public observances of the Passion of Jesus and the Resurrection, is the major festival of the Christian religion. It is also the time of Passover of the Jews, the great event of the freedom of the Jewish nation from tyranny and the passing of the Red Sea. There are also observances in other religions which we mark at this time.

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Passover 2016

passoverThe Jewish holiday of Passover starts Friday, April 22. That's confusing to those who usually get their spring breaks bracketed by the holidays of Passover and Easter. After all, they're connected in the Christian story - it was Passover that Jesus was celebrating when he had his last supper with his disciples. So why is the holiday a month after Easter this year? ... Read more...


Sacred Times, Sacred Communities

new-coexistThis time of Easter is the major festival of the Christian religion. It is also the Purim festival of the Jewish faith. This time of this year also marks several festivals from other religions and we give account of these festivals and greetings to religious communities of the Goulburn Valley at this festival time.
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