We must ask ourselves what it is that we really need. Only then can we stop our endless consumption and save the planet. Making sense of it is a column about spirituality and how it can be used to navigate everyday life.
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We must ask ourselves what it is that we really need. Only then can we stop our endless consumption and save the planet. Making sense of it is a column about spirituality and how it can be used to navigate everyday life.
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Sometimes it seems like Buddhism doesn’t have much relevance to environmental problems. Can Buddhist philosophy solve climate change? Can meditation bring back lost species? I think about these things much of the time, trying to find my way in a world of plummeting ecosystem health. Every semester my students say, “But what can one person do?” If I don’t have some good answers, they won’t be able to move forward with the important work of saving the planet.
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Buddhism, art, and environmentalism—all honor the beauty and magic of the natural world. In a powerful autobiographical essay, the poet, sage, and Zen practitioner Gary Snyder traces his lifelong commitment to the environment and calls on all creative people to rise in its defense.
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