Bank Orders Anti-Mosque Group to close account

Bendigo Bank

The Bendigo Bank is standing by its decision to close the account of a protest group which is fighting plans to build a mosque in the Victorian city of Bendigo.

The Bendigo Bank last week informed the Stop the Mosque group that it was closing the group's account, saying the bank only wants to do business with organisations that share its values.



Self-Reporting of Religion and Personal Practice

Census 2011

A lot of attention has been paid to the low reporting of religion in the 2011 Census of all household dwellings in Australia. The Bureau of Census reports that there is a high frequency of nones - that is, no religion reported. This raises a number of questions about the Census and what is actually practiced in Australia.



Support for Ballarat Mosque

Site of Ballarat Mosque

Ballarat Interfaith Network has come out in full support of the planned mosque for Ballarat. The Shepparton Interfaith Network supports the building of a Mosque for all the peoples of Ballarat and Districts. One the key concerns of the local interfaith network has been the presence of a place of worship for the Islamic communities of Ballarat.



Dignity, Australian Trees, The Interfaith Tree

Tree of Life

Ballarat Interfaith Network recently engaged in a nine-day celebration of the Tree of Life. The program concluded on Saturday, 23 November at the Glasshouse in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens. Chris Parnell of the Shepparton Interfaith Network gave an address on dignity, Australian Trees and the community binding nature of interfaith events.

Read more…


Buddhist-Muslim Iftar

Muslim Prayer

In the spirit of building friendship across communities the Buddhist Council of Victoria has collaborated with the Australian Intercultural Society to arrange an Iftar dinner at the Vietnamese Quang Minh Buddhist temple in Braybrook on Monday night, 5th of August 2013.

