Anti-Vilification and Anti-Racism Survey

Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission wants to hear about your experiences. The Commission invites you to share your experiences to reduce racism and religious hatred.

About this survey

Have you experienced racism? The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission wants to hear about your experiences. You are invited to complete an anonymous survey about experiences of racism.

Victoria is enriched by the diversity of our community, but we know that First Nations people, multicultural and multifaith communities continue to experience racism – at work, in shops and other businesses, in education, and in other parts of everyday life. No one should have to put up with racism.

Sharing your experiences in the survey will help build stronger tools for reporting racism and better protect the community.

This survey is for people of all ages and backgrounds who have experienced racism. It will take 15–20 minutes to complete.

This survey is about racism and religious hatred.

Racism is when you are treated badly or unfairly because of your race, skin colour, ancestry, nationality, cultural, ethnic, or faith background. This includes:

  • jokes or comments that are hurtful
  • bullying and name-calling
  • not recognising your cultural rights as a First Nations person
  • abusing you through speech
  • harassment, physical abuse, assault, or attack
  • threats, intimidation or acting in a way that makes you feel scared or worried for your safety
  • leaving you out or treating you differently

When we refer to racism in this survey, we are also talking about race and religious hatred (vilification).

This is when someone encourages hate towards you (or a group of people) because of your race or religion. This includes:

  • speaking about someone’s race or religion in a way that could make others hate or ridicule them
  • repeated and serious abuse (spoken or physical) about your race or religion
  • encouraging violence against you because of your race or religion, including damaging your property

Take the survey here


Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission


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