Is “Just War” Relevant Today?

In commemoration of the Anzac Centenary 1915-2015, the Shepparton Interfaith Network will conduct a Public Forum at Harder Auditorium, Fryer St, Shepparton on Wednesday, 15 April at 7:30PM.

The term “Just War” properly applies to both the moral tradition on war, its justification and its limitations that have developed historically within Western Culture as a whole and to the Christian component of this larger tradition.

The question may well be asked, “Is the Just War tradition relevant today?” Responses to such a question might consider the Gallipoli and ANZAC context and stretch to include the context Australia finds itself in, today.

The forum will be seeking responses to this presentation and having a Question and Answer Forum. As Australia today is both a Multi-cultural and Multi-faith nation, we will be inviting religious leaders from other traditions to join in responses to the presentation.

What: Public Forum: Is the Just War Relevant Today?

When: Wednesday, 15 April 2015 at 7:30PM

Where: Harder Auditorium, GOTAFE, Fryer St, Shepparton

Cost: Free – a light supper will be served

More information: Contact the Secretary, Chris Parnell, 5821 3483

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