The Prophet Motif

Jewish Muslim Christian Association of Australia

The JCMA will conduct a three day conference on The Prophet Motif at Pallotti College, near Warburton, Vic during 1 - 4 July 2012.

The Prophet Motif

Meeting the Divine Challenge today

Who is a Prophet?

What is prophecy?

Are there messages for us today, and how might we recognise them?

All Abrahamic faiths are rooted in revelation, with particular individuals accepting God's call to deliver a message and to challenge people with that message.

However there are subtle differences and special understandings of prophecy in each Abrahamic faith that influences the way we experience the divine challenge and our aspirations to follow God's will. Is prophecy just in the past? Can there be prophecy now? If so, what is the message today? What sort of people were prophets?

This conference will explore the historical, social and spiritual dimensions of prophets and how we might hear God's voice and meet the divine challenge for our own times in a variety of different ways and with the unique JCMA mix of studying, discussing, praying, eating and sharing as we get to meet each other as people of faith in Australia.

JCMA aims to enable people of faith to deepen their understanding of Judaism, Christianity and Islam in Australia today by meeting, engaging with and learning from Jews, Christians and Muslims.

This conference will be held in the Yarra Valley on the weekend of 1 - 4 July, 2012. Bookings are online - for more information:

Download a Flyer for this event

Further Information: Helen Heath - Executive Officer, JCMA; Tel 9650 3294


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