Safeguarding children during COVID-19

Australian Catholic University

Australian Catholic University have developed a practitioner guide and parent guide for supporting shared parenting during COVID-19. There is an extensive list of organisations which assist parenting and parenting issues.

These resources can help your organisation and your professional practice support children, young people and their families maintain a sense of physical safety and mental wellbeing.

Supporting shared parenting in the time of COVID-19 (Practitioner guide) (PDF, 256KB)

Supporting shared parenting in the time of COVID-19 (Parent guide) (PDF, 65KB)

COVID-19 resources from other organisations

In times like these, it helps to share resources. These links are from a wide range of organisations with tips for parents, children and practitioners.


How to Keep Kids Safe on YouTube in 2023 — Works 100%
(we receive no income nor emoluments from this link; it is offered for information only)

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