May 26 – National Sorry Day

26 May, each year, is National Sorry Day. What is this day? Why is it important? As May 26 draws close, it is an opportunity to find out more. An opportunity to learn more about our history and to develop greater understanding of who we are as a nation.


Twenty one years ago, the Bringing Them Home Report was tabled in Federal Parliament. This Report, the result of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families, publically acknowledged that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children had been forcibly removed from their families and communities since the earliest days of European occupation in Australia.

However, these words do not do justice to the strength and struggles of many thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people affected by forcible removal – the individuals, their families and their communities.

The Report contains many stories – of children being removed, of loss of family, of heartache and deep pain.

There are stories from every state and territory – and stories close to home.

In 1957, following a visit to The Flats by Charles McLean, commissioned by the newly elected Premier, Henry Bolte, to review and recommend changes to Victoria’s Aboriginal affairs policy, twenty four young children were taken from their families and committed to the care of the Children’s Welfare Department by the Children’s Court.

The Bringing Them Home Report’s dedication, “with thanks and admiration, to those who found the strength to tell their stories”, acknowledged the hardships endured and the sacrifices made as a result of successive government policies relating to removal of children. It also stated, “We lament all the children who never came home”.


 sea of hands created for Sorry Day

Whilst giving evidence to the Inquiry was painful and difficult, most witnesses appreciated the opportunity and many said that giving testimony had contributed to their healing.

“There is some good news I would like to pass on to you. Everyone I have spoken to has said it is like the world has been lifted off their shoulders, because at last we have been heard. For me I have grown stronger and now am able to move forward. You have played a significant part in my journey back … (letter of thanks from a witness).”

Bearing witness to these unpalatable parts of our history is as necessary to our understanding of ourselves as a nation as those parts of our history that we celebrate with pride.

As previous Governor General, Sir William Deane, stated,

“It should, I think, be apparent to all well-meaning people that true reconciliation between the Australian nation and its indigenous peoples is not achievable in the absence of acknowledgement by the nation of the wrongfulness of the past dispossession, oppression and degradation of the Aboriginal peoples. That is not to say that individual Australians who had no part in what was done in the past should feel or acknowledge person guilt. It is simply to assert our identity as a nation and the basic fact that national shame, as well as national pride, can and should exist in relation to past acts and omissions at least when done in the name of the community or with the authority of the government… True acknowledgement cannot stop short of recognition of the extent to which present disadvantage flows from past injustice and oppression”

Join with the Shepparton Region Reconciliation Group for the Sorry Day commemoration as we bear witness to and acknowledge the voices and experiences of all those members of the Stolen Generations who have been removed from family and community. The commemoration will be held on Friday May 25 at 10.15am at Monash Park followed by a commemorative Walk to La Trobe University.

It is another step in our journey to reconciliation.

The Bringing Them Home Report recommended a national “Sorry Day” be held each year to commemorate the history of forcible removals and the ongoing effects on individuals, families and communities.

We encourage you to read the Bringing Them Home report.
Visit the website:



(This article reproduced with permission from Shepparton Region Reconciliation Group)




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