Conference: Social cohesion in the Goulburn Valley: Looking back, Looking forward

La Trobe University, partnering with the Shepparton Interfaith Network and the Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District, presents Social Cohesion in the Goulburn Valley: Looking Back, Looking Forward, a conference to revisit the issues explored in the 2007 event Cultural Diversity and Social Harmony: the Goulburn Valley Experience and to consider the issues facing us today going forward as a regional community.


Conference Theme

The 2017 conference will focus on the success factors and the tensions encountered in maintaining a socially cohesive society in the Goulburn Valley over the past decade. The positive value of a culturally diverse community will be explored as well as some of the emerging challenges that remain problematic and their likely impact on a socially cohesive region in the future. Particular attention will be given to the issue of employment, the barriers to meaningful employment, some successful employment enterprises and the potential for future initiatives.

The conference will draw on migrant, host community and service provider experiences, as well as insights from recent academic research.

Please note that entry is free but registration is essential.


  • 8.30am: Registration opens

  • 9.00am – 1.00pm: Morning sessions

  • Social and economic value of diversity

  • Keynote speaker: Professor Santina Bertone

  • Santina has held a number of positions at Victorian universities is currently Professor of Diversity Management in the Faculty of Business and Law, Swinburne University of Technology. Santina was awarded the Centenary of Federation Medal in 2008, and participated in the Australia 2020 Summit. Her current research focuses on skilled immigrants, temporary immigrant workers, immigrants and career progress, and changes in higher degree research policy.

  • Panel discussion – Successes and challenges 2007 – 2017

  • Round table sessions – ‘Dreaming a future’

  • 1.00pm – 1.45pm: LUNCH

  • 1.45pm – 4.30pm: Afternoon sessions

  • Employment (opportunities, contributions, barriers)

  • Dr Martina Boese

  • Migrant employment in Shepparton – what do we know?

  • Martina is a Lecturer in Sociology in the Department of Social Inquiry, La Trobe UNiversity. Her research interests include migrant and refugee mobilities and employment experiences; regional migration and settlement; Australian migration and settlement policies; racism and exclusion. Her current research includes an analysis of the employment pathways of migrants who have arrived in Australia within the last 20 years and reside in Shepparton.

  • Employment enterprises – Good ideas that work!

  • Current projects and research

  • Open forum: ‘Dreaming a future’

Event Details

Event: Social cohesion in the Goulburn Valley: Looking back, looking forward
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Location: La Trobe University, Shepparton campus, 210 Fryers Street Shepparton,
Cost: Free
Registration: Online at Eventbrite



The day will conclude with La Trobe University’s related Bold Thinking Series lecture at the Eastbank Centre, at which an expert panel will further explore the topic of social cohesion in the Goulburn Valley. NOTE: Separate registration is required for this free event.




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