‘It takes a village – Preparing young people and the community for wellbeing’

University of Melbourne logoThe University of Melbourne, Department of Rural Health invites you to a public webinar by Dr Jacqui Francis. The Webinar will be conducted online on August 15, 2023 at 5:30 PM

The University of Melbourne, Department of Rural Health invite you to a public webinar by Dr Jacqui Francis.

Jacqui is a wellbeing lecturer, researcher, advisor and educational designer at The University of Melbourne. Jacqui’s recent projects have included work with a range of communities: co-creating and piloting brief online wellbeing interventions for primary school students, creating the wellbeing literacy program for the staff of the not-for-profit psycho-social support organisation, Richmond Fellowship Queensland (RFQ), collaborating with RFQ and the Darling Downs First Nations community to co-create the Culturally adapted wellbeing literacy program, and collaboratively producing the most recent recommendations for the NSW Department of Education, Wellbeing Framework refresh.

With the emergence of wellbeing science, including positive psychology there is increasing evidence of what leads to wellbeing; economically, socially and psychologically. After providing an introduction to wellbeing and positive psychology, we will consider how best to prepare our young people for wellbeing by:

↠ Working with communities (including schools, families, workplaces, sports clubs etc.) rather than only individuals
↠ Adopt approaches to wellbeing that include positive functioning and not only the absence of illness
↠ Move beyond the present to the future
↠ Focusing on how we communicate about wellbeing as a key enabler (i.e. wellbeing literacy)

This webinar is a must for primary and secondary teachers and parents. We hope this will be a ‘cameras on’, interactive lecture, designed to connect and collectively share conceptualisations and experiences of wellbeing, from a scientific perspective.

There is the opportunity to ask questions when registering and on the night.

Register now


'It takes a village - Preparing young people and the community for wellbeing'


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