Message from the Islamic Council of Victoria

 Ramadan 2023, the Islamic Council of Victoria

On occasion of Ramadan 2023, the Islamic Council of Victoria gives one message to all Muslims in Victoria.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Community Leaders, Imams, and Sheikhs,

Assalaamu Alaikum

Ramadan Mubarak to you and your families. May Allah make this a blessed and rewarding month for each of us, full of worship and good deeds, family connections, charity, and care for others. Ramadan is a time of fasting for our physical selves but a time for nourishment and renewal for our hearts and spiritual selves. In this way Ramadan is a gift from Allah to His servants but also a test. May Allah make us from those that make the most of this holy month and come out of it as better people with strengthened Iman and resolve.

The preservation of our Muslim identity, and in particular, that of our children has always been a priority for many of us. We do our best to instruct our children about our deen and to set a good example. We are mindful of what they are exposed to, what they are taught in schools, and the environment surrounding them. Thus, the challenges that we face now as people of faith, as practising Muslims that hold dear our core values, are ones that we must rise to meet insha-Allah. The month of Ramadan is the perfect opportunity for us to draw strength from our wonderful religion, from the example of the best of all humanity Prophet Muhammad, and to ask for Allah’s help and guidance as we navigate through these unusual times.

Ours is a generous community, and this is never more so than during this holy month. Let us remember and pray for those that have been impacted by the devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria. Let us also remember our brothers and sisters who are suffering from hunger, illness, homelessness, and displacement in so many countries. And for those being persecuted and oppressed in China, Myanmar, Palestine, Syria, Kashmir, and other places, we ask Allah (swt) to give them justice in this world and the next.


 Ramadan 2023, the Islamic Council of Victoria




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