Tolerance Day Observance Resources for Schools

UN World Day of Tolerance is celebrated worldwide each year on 16 November. In 2014, many schools in the Shepparton district joined in the celebrations with classroom projects. Resources are available for those interested in planning their own observance.

UN World Day of Tolerance is observed every year on November 16th.


Tolerance Day Invitation

We are all unique and have something valuable to offer and share. Tolerance is accepting others and appreciating differences. Tolerance is accepting myself, even when I make mistakes. Tolerance is accepting others, even when they make mistakes. Tolerance is not only about racism, but also about religion and other beliefs, sex, politics, disabilities, family violence, school yard bullying… and many other differences which make the human race so unique and diverse.

Invitation to celebrate

Let your school be a part of this great day. Teach the meaning of Tolerance. Start your own awareness within your school and get creative. Students are invited to participate in the Tolerance Art Competition. Your students may write a poem, letter or sing a song. Any class or students that wish to perform on the day are welcome to do so. The theme is Tolerance and what it means to them.

Download the Tolerance Day Invitation

Tolerance Day Action Plan

The Tolerance Day Action Plan has vision, mission, objectives, process objectives, community-level outcome objectives and behavioural objectives.

Download the Action Plan

Student Activity Sheets

The student activity sheets are an introduction to Diversity, Predjudice and Discrimination. Six pages, activities for primary students.

Download the Student Activity Sheets

Values Mind Map

We use mindmaps to explore the dimensions of a value. Values are things people do, things they don’t do, what it is, what it is not. A useful tool for exploring a value in its many dimensions – activity, feeling, action, restraint.

Download the Exploring Values Mindmap

Six Step Approach to Tolerance

This is an exploration of six steps to tolerance, using the model of the mind-map given above.

Download the Six Steps to Tolerance

Ten Ideas for Observing the International Day for Tolerance

Ten Ideas for Observing the International Day for Tolerance is scoped around:

  • 1. Diversity in Your Community
  • 2. Human Rights
  • 3. Do-It-Yourself Tolerance Program
  • 4. No to Violence
  • 5. Ecological Diversity and Human Diversity
  • 6. Religious Tolerance
  • 7. Current Events
  • 8. Sports and Tolerance
  • 9. Creativity at Work
  • 10. International Link-ups

Download the Ten Ideas for Observing the International Day for Tolerance

Tolerance Day Handout Booklet

Provided by The Emily Fund which focuses on Education, Mentorship, Inspiration, Leadership and Youth for a Better world. Stories, drawings, quotations. 52 pages. Free distribution from The Emily Fund. Websites

Download Tolerance Day Handout Booklet

Tolerance Day Poster

This poster was made by three students working collaboratively. Each student came from a different cultural and religious background, and over the several weeks of preparing this poster, the student’s attitudes and personal tolerance changed dramatically.

Download the Tolerance Day Poster

Tolerance Day Flyer

Make up your own flyer to invite people to participate in World Day of Tolerance.

Download the Tolerance Day Flyer

Tolerance: What do people do?

The International Day for Tolerance is a time for people to learn about respecting and recognising the rights and beliefs of others. It is also a time of reflection and debate on the negative effects of intolerance. Live discussions and debates take place across the world on this day, focusing on how various forms of injustice, oppression, racism and unfair discrimination have a negative impact on society.

Download an overview on Tolerance – What People Do



Links to United Nations Tolerance Day

United Nations: In 1996, the UN General Assembly (by resolution 51/95) invited UN Member States to observe the International Day for Tolerance on 16 November, with activities directed towards both educational establishments and the wider public. Go to the United Nations Website for World Day of Tolerance

UNESCO Prize for Promoting Tolerance: In 1995, to mark the United Nations Year for Tolerance and the 125th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi, UNESCO created a prize for the promotion of tolerance and non-violence.

The UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence rewards significant activities in the scientific, artistic, cultural or communication fields aimed at the promotion of a spirit of tolerance and non-violence. Go to UNESCO’s Message on promoting Tolerance.

Download the UNESCO Declaration on Tolerance 1995 as a PDF File

Wikipedia: The International Day for Tolerance is an annual observance declared by UNESCO in 1995 to generate public awareness of the dangers of intolerance. It is observed on 16 November. Go to Wikipedia.


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