Prayers and Meditation for COP27

Prayers and Meditation for COP27 We encourage people of all faiths to offer their prayers and meditations towards a beneficial UN COP 27 (the next climate change conference). Our silent prayer and meditation around the world helped the outcome of the Glasgow COP26 through collaboration and inclusion.

An invitation: Prayers and Meditations for UNCOP27

from Bishop Philip Huggins and Ms Sarwat Tasneem, Members of the Interfaith Liaison Committee to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
UN Climate Change Conference 2022 (UNFCCC COP 27)
Sharm el-Sheikh, South Sinai, Egypt, 6– 18th November 2022

Our invitation to you

We encourage people of all faiths to offer their prayers and meditations towards a beneficial UNCOP 27.

Our silent prayer and meditation around the world helped the outcome of the Glasgow COP26 through collaboration and inclusion.This was the feedback we received from some participants.

COP27 will aim to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees and provide climate justice.

These are the high aims which our prayers and meditations can support.

In the lead up to COP27, we also bring our awareness of the biodiversity and climate change impacts elements of COP15 (rescheduled to 1 October 2022, Kunming China).


How can you participate? During preparations for and during COP27:

#1. A Spiritual Wave around our world, every day, at noon in your time zone, alone or along with others.

A short, simple remembrance of your nations’ preparations for COP27 in Silent Prayer and Meditation, with the symbolic actions of our traditions- whether it be the chime of bells, lighting a candle or silence – bowing, kneeling, standing or sitting in prayer.

#2.Weekly local/virtual groups: Meditation and Prayer, in shared silence, according to our respective spiritual practice. Our experience is that these groups shape a quality of friendship that flows readily into service and advocacy. Our discernment and imagination are nurtured by each other’s company in silent prayer and meditation.

When? Choose a time that suits locally. Please let us know at the Interfaith Liaison Committee to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Visit

The format? We encourage a gathering of people virtually or in-person, and the act need not take longer than 30 mins

*Organise for a participant to introduce the event and the focus for the session. This can be for a couple of minutes.

*A bell (for example) is chimed or, the moment is introduced. Silence then follows for 20 mins, allowing all to meditate &/pray/reflect silently according to their spiritual practice.

*The sound of the bell or the individual ends the silence.

*Those wishing to continue in silence and leave the session may, and those wishing to converse, do so for a few more minutes.

This model has worked well. When this is done virtually, a variation is for a video depicting our beautiful earth spinning in space.

Through the Interfaith Liaison Committee to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change we may be able to share particular concerns for prayer from our varied locations. We can also share short quotes for our mutual illumination and inspiration.

Read an example Prayer from another ILC member
Read more from Bishop Philip Huggins and Ms Sarwat Tanseem
Download Prayers and Meditations for COP27


Prayers and Meditation for COP27


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