Nostra Aetate: Interfaith – Understanding & Welcoming

Nostra Aetate: Interfaith – Understanding & Welcoming In the spirit of Nostra Aetate, Garratt Publishing – in conjunction with Yarra Theological Union – invite you to a 4-week webinar series exploring other religious traditions from a Catholic perspective. The online webinar will be conducted on Monday Evenings – 5 & 12 September, 3 & 10 October. Religions examined will be Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Islam – all from a Catholic perspective.

In the spirit of Nostra Aetate, Garratt Publishing – in conjunction with Yarra Theological Union – invite you to a 4-week webinar series exploring other religious traditions from a Catholic perspective.

As Australian Catholics, we increasingly engage others from differing faiths – in our everyday life, in our local communities, and especially in our Catholic schools.

‘Every Christian is called to go out to encounter others, to dialogue with those who do not think the way we do, with those who have another faith, or who don’t have faith. To encounter all because we all have in common our having been created in the image and likeness of God. We can go out to encounter everyone, without fear.’ –Pope Francis (Speech to Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelisation, 14 October 2013)

‘Students can deepen their sense of Catholic identity through their encounter with different faith traditions.’ –Welcoming Each Other, Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne

Catholic educators will find these sessions ideal as we increasingly welcome people from differing faiths into our school communities. Accreditation for Professional Development hours may be available on completion of the series.

These sessions will also appeal to all Catholics across Australia, offering important understandings to help interfaith engagement and enhance relationships with those of other faith traditions.

Over 4 weeks, we will explore God, Foundational Beliefs, Women, and Learning from Each Other.

As Catholics, it is incumbent on us to understand the religious traditions of our neighbours. This will provide a level of comfort as we engage with each other, and welcome each other.


WHEN: Monday Evenings – 5 & 12 September, 3 & 10 October
TIME: 7:30-8:45pm (September – AEST)* (October– AEDT)*
WHERE: Online via Zoom
COST: $22.00 incl. GST


In some states, teachers participating in this course as professional learners can submit an application for Professional Development hours in accordance with their Diocesan, State or Territory requirements. This program has been approved by CECV for accreditation in Victoria.

A certificate indicating that you have participated in this short course as part of your ongoing professional learning requirements will be issued by the Yarra Theological Union and Garratt Publishing at the conclusion of all events.


MONDAY 5 SEPTEMBER, 7.30-8.45pm (AEST)*
Hindu perspective: Rev Albano Da Costa
Buddhist perspective: Rev Dr Thien Nguyen
Jewish perspective: Dr Mary Reaburn
Muslim perspective: Rev Dr Patrick McInerney

MONDAY 12 SEPTEMBER, 7.30-8.45pm (AEST)*
Foundational Beliefs
Hindu perspective: Rev Albano Da Costa
Buddhist perspective: Rev Dr Thien Nguyen
Jewish perspective: Dr Mary Reaburn
Muslim perspective: Rev Dr Patrick McInerney

MONDAY 3 OCTOBER, 7.30-8.45pm (AEDT)*
The Place of Women Historically and Today
Hindu perspective: Rev Albano Da Costa
Buddhist perspective: Rev Dr Thien Nguyen
Jewish perspective: Dr Mary Reaburn
Muslim perspective: Rev Dr Patrick McInerney

MONDAY 10 OCTOBER, 7.30-8.45pm (AEDT)*
Learning from Each Other – What Christians/Catholics Can Learn From…
Hindus: Rev Albano Da Costa
Buddhists: Rev Dr Thien Nguyen
Jews: Dr Mary Reaburn
Muslims: Rev Dr Patrick McInerney


Nostra Aetate: Interfaith – Understanding & Welcoming


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