Peace and Alternatives to War

Peace and Alternatives to WarThe Raising Peace Network invites you to a series of talks about peace this Anzac Day Weekend. From 23rd – 25th April 2022, leaders in peace, diplomacy, and justice will speak on the most critical topics within the peace-security nexus: First Nations’ perspectives, climate change, AUKUS, and alternatives to war.

This Anzac Day Weekend, 23rd – 25th April 2022, leaders in peace, diplomacy, and justice will speak on the most critical topics within the peace-security nexus: First Nations’ perspectives, climate change, AUKUS, and alternatives to war.

Each session will comprise a discussion between panellists, a Q&A with the audience and an informal chat afterwards to debrief on lessons learned.

Registrations essential. Please register here to reserve your spot.

As we face an increasingly complex and worrying world, the Australian Government is putting most of its resources into a militarised approach to assuring our security. But there are other ways to do this. Over the ANZAC Day long weekend Raising Peace presents a series of discussion about how we can assure a secure and peaceful Australia – and region – for all.

Saturday 23 April, 2-5pm

First Nations’ experience and perspectives on peace and conflict in Australia


  • Aunty Rhonda Dixon
  • Pastor Ray Minniecon
  • Emeritus Professor Henry Reynolds
  • Louise Togo
  • Councillor (Waskam) Emelda Davis

Sunday 24 April, 2-5pm

Alternative approaches to Australia’s security narrative

Dr Keith Sutter, in conversation with:

  • Cheryl Durrant
  • Assistant Professor Jake Lynch
  • Dr Hannah Middleton
  • Dr Albert Palazzo

Monday 25 April, 2-5pm

Exploring ways forward: diplomacy, the Gandhi Project, Quaker United Nations Office

Ways forward, alternatives to conflict and organisations leading the change, led by:

  • Professor John Langmore AM
  • Alison Brionowski AM
  • Margaret Hepworth
  • Aletia Dundas

Book your spot and join us in discussion this Anzac Day Weekend.

Online discussion panel and interactive sessions, via Zoom
Saturday 23rd to Monday 25th April, 2pm – 5pm each day

For further information and program details, visit our website:


Peace and Alternatives to War


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