Looking for some reading during Lent of 2022? Fight Like Jesus portrays the peacemaking actions undertaken by Jesus during the last week of his life, leading up to the Crucifixion.
It is intentionally a subversive book, that takes the message Jesus embodied in the last week of his life, which hitherto we have felt so comfortable with, because we have thoroughly co-opted it, adapted it and adopted it to serve our vested interests, and unpacks it’s true meaning in a way that confronts us with the fact that many of us, who claim to follow Jesus, actually follow in the footsteps of Jesus Barabbas, practicing reflexive vengeance, rather than follow in the footsteps Jesus of Nazareth, practicing his revolutionary nonviolence.
This book is not only subversive, it is also transformative. In this book Jason Porterfield gently takes us by the hand, leads us through the events in the last seven days of Jesus’ life, and helps us to understand what Jesus was doing in his final days to show us how we can ‘Fight Like Jesus’ and struggle proactively for love and justice peacefully in the context of imperial political economies characterised by provocation, oppression and aggression.
“In Fight Like Jesus, author Jason Porterfield takes the reader through the final week of Jesus’ life and provides a powerful vision of peacemaking by situating it within his personal call to build a more just world. This relatable calling gives the book deep wisdom and thick theology in a world where many are searching for substantive discipleship. Through practical lessons for the everyday peacemaker, this book is equal parts commentary, guide, and communal resource suitable for congregations and classrooms alike. Fight Like Jesus will refresh one’s understanding of both peacemaking and conventional readings of Holy Week.”
‘Fight Like Jesus’ is a must-read for Lent from March 2 to April 14
Individual and congregational study resources are in the book.
Available from Amazon.com.au – Hardback, Paperback, e-Book versions