Islamic Religiosity and Mental Wellbeing Research Project

Australian National University logoThe Australian National University is undertaking research to investigate the impact that religiosity and identity has on mental wellbeing following drug use. Where possible, multiple religions will be compared to determine any major differences, however the main focus will be on the Islamic faith. Interested persons are invited to participate in the Survey.

Research title: Investigating the Relationship Between Islamic Religiosity and Mental Wellbeing

General Outline of the Project:

Description and Methodology: This research is an analysis of survey responses seeking to investigate the impact that religiosity and identity has on mental wellbeing following drug use. Where possible, multiple religions will be compared to determine any major differences, however the main focus will be on the Islamic faith. The following research will benefit those communities that grapple with illicit drug problems by providing further analysis to the role of religion as a protective factor.

Participants: Approximately 100 participants who are currently living within Melbourne and Sydney of Australia will participate in this research.  Use of Data and Feedback: Research results may be published in scientific journals, and will be used within an honours students’ assignment; however, no identifiable information of participants will be mentioned.

Participant Involvement:

Voluntary Participation & Withdrawal: Participation in this study is voluntary. You can withdraw from participating at any time and no negative consequences will occur. Once your questionnaire has been submitted, they will be unidentifiable and we will not be able to withdraw your response. At the end of the survey, you will be asked whether you would like your responses recorded and removed, which signifies the last opportunity to remove survey responses at your own discretion with no negative consequences.

What does participation in the research entail? You will be asked to answer a series of questions that will assess one’s religious involvement, identification with people of their religion, mental wellbeing and drug use over the course of one’s life.
What does participation in the research NOT entail? You will not be asked any personal information (e.g. your full name).
Durations: The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Remuneration: There will be no payment for the completion of this study.
Risks: Social and cultural risks exist due to the nature of questions being asked in relation to religion and drug use. There is a low possibility that these questions can cause distress or concern. If this does occur there are a number of support networks listed at the end of this document and at the end of the survey in a debriefing sheet.

Furthermore, within this study we will ask the participant to disclose information regarding drug use, a criminal offence in Australia. There is an extremely low likelihood of discovering and identifying individual participants in this study. No identifying information has been recorded and responses will not be registered with any means of locating or identifying individual submissions.

Benefits: Participants will aid in the process of developing research that examines religion as a protective factor against declines in psychological well-being as a result of drug use.


Confidentiality: Anonymity will be protected as far as the law allows. There will be no information collected that may be used to identify any of the participants, ensuring complete anonymity. No individual survey response will be accessible outside of the research team, and only summaries of data will be shared or published, with individual responses securely stored according to the Data Storage section.

Privacy Notice:
In collecting your personal information within this research, the ANU must comply with the Privacy Act 1988. The ANU Privacy Policy is available at,and it contains information about how a person can: access or seek correction to their personal information; complain about a breach of an Australian Privacy Principle by ANU, and how ANU will handle the complaint.
Data Storage:
Where & How Long: All data management procedures will follow the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth) and the ANU Code of Research Conduct. Survey responses will be collected through online forms and no identifying information will be included in the application of these responses. All data will be stored on the ANU secure servers to be kept for a duration of 5 years after the last publication, after which it will be destroyed, and while the data is stored it may only be accessed by the research team.
Handling of Data following the required storage period: All data will be destroyed after five years.

Ethics Committee Clearance:

 The ethical aspects of this research have been approved by the ANU Human Research Ethics Committee (Protocol 2021/322). Please cite your protocol number so that if a participant contacts the University, the relevant research project can be readily identified. If you have any concerns or complaints about how this research has been conducted, please contact:

Ethics Manager
The ANU Human Research Ethics Committee
The Australian National University
Telephone: +61 2 6125 3427

Queries and Concerns:
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this research, please contact the supervising researcher, Clarke Jones, Email:, or the lead investigator, James McDonald, Email:
If you feel that the discussion content in this research would have an impact on your emotional wellbeing, please discuss it with a professional. There are services included on the THIS PAGE which are open for public use.

To start the survey, go here


Australian National University


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