Peacebuilding Perspective: Conversation Series with Helen Bishop

University of Melbourne logoThe Initiative for Peacebuilding is delivering the Peacebuilding Perspectives Conversation Series with Helen Bishop. Helen has been invited by the Initiative for Peacebuilding to share her thoughts and experience in conversations about how we can envision peacebuilding in Australia in ways that include how we can collectively approach deep cultural and structural forms of violence. Commencing Monday 29 November, this series will run on three Mondays to 13 December, 1.30pm-3.00pm AEDT.

The Initiative for Peacebuilding welcomes attendees to a Peacebuilding Perspectives Conversation Series with Helen Bishop. Helen has been invited by the Initiative for Peacebuilding to share her thoughts and experience in conversations about how we can envision peacebuilding in Australia in ways that include how we can collectively approach deep cultural and structural forms of violence.

About Helen Bishop

Helen Bishop is a Kungarakan woman and a mediator with deep experience of conflict resolution and peacebuilding in First Nations communities, and between them and settler institutions. Helen is based outside Darwin and works with First Nation communities across the Northern Territory of Australia. She has worked with the Aboriginal Alternative Dispute Resolution Service, with the Right People for Country project and the Community Justice Centre in the Northern Territory. Helen is concerned with the injustices faced by First Nation people and believes that alternative dispute resolution practices and peacebuilding opportunities should be utilised to support community-led solutions. Helen believes in working on procedural fairness and responsible representation to gain commitments to collaborative decision-making, and that peacebuilding creates realistic human opportunity to rise out of despair and distrust. Helen is a member of Women Mediators Across the Commonwealth (a network hosted by Conciliation Resources which connects women with a broad range of mediation knowledge and experience), and is part of a group establishing an Australian peace network.

About the conversations

Three conversation sessions will be run. In each session, Helen will be in conversation with Dr Tania Miletic for approximately 1 hour, before allowing 30 minutes for audience questions. The sessions will run online via Zoom with the following times and topics:

* Monday 29 November 1.30pm-3.00pm AEDT: Valuing the long history of conflict resolution in First Nations communities: Epistemologies, systems, practices and ceremonies.
* Monday 6 December 1.30pm-3.00pm AEDT: The problem with ‘justice’ and current approaches: Police, courts, prisons, and cycles of structural violence.
* Monday 13 December 1.30pm-3.00pm AEDT: The future of peacebuilding in Australia: Peacebuilding with restorative justice that heals people, family, communities, and relationships.

Registration is essential and free of charge.


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