Anti-Racism Multicultural Family Concert

Nelson Mandela Day Commemorative Committee

‘Act; Inspire Change for An Anti-Racism Strategy in Victoria.’ The Nelson Mandela Day Commemorative Committee is excited to bring people of various cultures to celebrate with song and dance in an Anti-racism Multicultural Concert.

‘Act; Inspire Change for An Anti-Racism Strategy in Victoria’.
The Nelson Mandela Day Commemorative Committee is excited to bring people of various cultures to celebrate with song and dance in an Anti-racism Multicultural Concert.

Featuring: Welcome to Country | Makepisi | DJ set by Mothafunk | Soulectric | Shive from AMRUT | MC Dorcas Maphakela

We invite you to acknowledge the legacy of Nelson Mandela and the spirit of ‘Ubuntu’ by making a difference in your communities. As Mandela said: ‘It is in your hands to make the world a better place’. Everyone has the ability and the responsibility to change the world for the better!

Take Action! Inspire Change!

Nelson Mandela Day Commemorative Committee is raising funds for the Asylum Seekers Resource Centre, if you are able to donate, please click here.

This Concert is brought to you by Nelson Mandela Day Commemorative Committee (NMDCC) in partnership with MAV (Multicultural Arts Victoria)

The Zoom link to attend the online concert will be sent to you via email once you have registered via Eventbrite.

Date and time
Date: Sat, 20 November 2021
Time: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM AEDT
Location: Online event
Cost: FREE
Registration: Online at Eventbrite

Organiser of Anti-racism Multicultural Family Concert: Multicultural Arts Victoria

MAV has a profound commitment to arts and artists shaping the narratives that define who we are as a multicultural nation.

We make art as a visceral response to the forces of bigotry and intolerance, which seek to undermine the hard-fought battle for pluralism.

We make art to understand who we are as migrants on Indigenous land.

We make art to draw attention to the work that is still needed to future proof our identity as a society that deeply values its diversity.


Nelson Mandela Day Commemorative Committee


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