Picnic 4 Peace – Lighting a Candle for Afghanistan

picnicpeacePicnic 4 Peace is a local organisation in Shepparton that conducts many events for our multicultural community. It began as an annual observance of International Day of Peace with a picnic at Victoria Park Lake, and then extended to having picnics at many locations in the Goulburn Valley. In 2021, due lockdown and events in Afghanistan, Picnic for Peace was held online on 21 September – International Day of Peace. This online event focussed on Peace for Afghanistan.

The Picnic 4 Peace committee conducted Lighting a Candle for Afghanistan World Peace Day event held on September 21st, 2021 – when over 100 households gathered online to listen to poetry, speeches, songs and lighting of candles.

Shepparton is home to a large Afghani community, so this event supporting of our Afghan community and World Peace was important – bringing peace to our local Afghani settlement community – and sending light to the peoples in Afghanistan.

When one candle is lit, there is light. The darkness shrinks. With one candle, many more lights can be lit. When a community comes together to light many candles in pursuit of World Peace, the energy of love and light is sent where it is needed.

Please find here the link to  view the edited Lighting a Candle for Afghanistan World Peace Day event led by Picnic 4 Peace held online on Tuesday September 21st. 

Over 100 households joined together to hear from the Afghan and wider community sharing deeply moving poetry, speeches and songs. 

Feel free to share the link above with others and follow us online at Picnic 4 Peace for all upcoming events and news, 


Picnic 4 Peace Lighting a Candle for Afghanistan

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