Preparation for Meditation

MeditatioPravrajika Gayatriprana, senior nun of Ramakrishnba Order will give one talk on preparation for meditation – online – on Sunday 26 September, 2021, – 11 am to 12.30 pm

In this Talk:

Any endeavour to be successful needs sufficient preparation before we launch into it; meditation is no exception.

In meditation, we try to keep our minds fixed on a sacred idea or object. As soon as we try, we realise how restless our minds are. Yet, that restless mind is the only instrument we have to practice meditation. Hence the importance of preparation.

Haphazard meditation practices can lead to frustration for beginners as they struggle to focus the mind. Some even abandon meditation altogether.

For a smoother journey on this challenging path, we need to tap into the well-trodden methods laid down by sages over centuries.

Learn more in the talk this Sunday.

* Talk by Pravrajika Gaytriprana
* Guided Meditation by Pravrajika Ajayaprana
* Link:

Recorded and uploaded later to the
Vedanta Society of NSW’s YouTube Channel:




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