Social Housing Regulation Review

Social Housing Regulation Review

The independent Panel for the Social Housing Regulation Review has published a second public consultation paper on the Engage Victoria platform.

This paper focuses on the ‘consumer’ aspects of social housing regulation – the regulatory arrangements that influence the way services are delivered and tenants’ experiences of these.

Submissions are requested by 19 August 2021. Those people who seek social justice, and those who support the Greater Shepparton Winter Night Shelter Project may wish to contribute.


The Victorian Government has commissioned an independent Social Housing Regulation Review. The Review aims to identify future regulatory arrangements that will best support the long-term interests of social housing residents and their communities. It also aims to best position social (and affordable) housing for growth and transformation over the coming decades.

The independent Review Panel will be consulting widely throughout 2021. It will provide its preliminary recommendations to the Government based on the results of this consultation later in the year. The Panel will then seek stakeholder feedback on these recommendations before providing a final report to the Government in early 2022.

Greater Shepparton Winter Night Shelter Project

How to participate

Several discussion papers will be released, each on a specific theme. The papers will contain discussion about current arrangements and issues. They will also ask questions about these arrangements and issues. You or your organisation are invited to make a submission to the Review in response to these discussion papers by completing the submission form here.

You can also make submissions in response to any or all of the papers at any time before consultation closes by emailing

Next steps

Submissions and contributions will be documented and processed with the outcomes of other consultations. These will inform the preliminary and final recommendations that the Review Panel makes to the Government.

A Document Library is available on this page.



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