The Faith Communities Council of Victoria has issued a press release focussed on promoting harmony. Shepparton Interfaith Network fully supports and endorses all efforts to maintain harmony in the Goulburn Valley, Victoria and in urban and regional Australia.
23rd of October, 2014
Statement on Promoting Harmony from the
Faith Communities Council of Victoria
At this difficult time, when globally and locally communities are reeling from the violence of extremism, we the Faith Communities Council of Victoria, stand in support of all those who contribute to our rich, multicultural community in Australia, and also wish to retain their religious heritage and practices.
We affirm their rights to live and practise their faith in safety and security.
We categorically refute any kind of extremism that hides hatred and bigotry behind religious slogans or names, and call on all citizens to actively work for the realisation of a peaceful and harmonious community.
We seek to live in a society which values difference and diversity, and wishes to learn and understand more about those different to us with interest and respect.
We look forward to a time when this message will be experienced widely within humanity.
We therefore urge all media organisations to report responsibly and sensitively, considering their power and influence.
Faith Communities Council of Victoria is comprised of the following peak bodies:
Baha'i Community of Victoria, Brahma Kumaris Australia, Buddhist Council of Victoria, Hindu Community Council of Victoria, Islamic Council of Victoria, Jewish Community Council of Victoria, Sikh Interfaith Council of Victoria and Victorian Council of Churches.