Stories beyond COVID: A Celebration of Life

Islamic Centre of VictoriaStories beyond COVID: A Celebration of Life – is the work of the Islamic Council of Victoria and will be streamed live over several days using Facebook Live, commencing evening 24 May 2021 through evening 28 May 2021.

The ‘Stories Beyond COVID: A celebration of life’ is a Festival organised by the Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV), to allow diverse communities across Victoria to share their experiences during the time of COVID-19. Through times of hardship, the community have stood in solidarity, and people have often found unique ways of coping. The Festival will showcase how children, young people and families have experienced the lockdown and hear directly from them about how they have coped with the pandemic. The format will be digital with webinars and Q&A sessions on how the community’s life has changed. Aims The Festival will allow children, young people, and adults to share their stories through video. We will hear how even when separated, the community was able to stand together and support one another. It will also be an opportunity to learn about essential tools such as self-care, remote support and hear from experts about the impact of the pandemic. Participants will have a chance to self-reflect on their own experience and acknowledge the collective endurance that was required to get through these challenging times. Additionally, we will hear from faith leaders about the reopening of the Mosques. The main goals will be:

  • For people to share their lived experience of dealing with the pandemic.
  • An opportunity to hear the voices of the children, so that we can reimagine the pandemic through the lens of young people.
  • To celebrate the recovery period and give hope to others.
  • Expressing the rich cultural diversity that exists amongst the Victorian Muslim and other cultural and religiously diverse communities
  • To celebrate and acknowledge the creativity of the largest portion of the Muslim community, the children and young adults, who are the future leaders, creators, and pillars of society.

Stories beyond COVID: A Celebration of Life

Through the eyes of a child
Children 5-12 years

  • 5:00-6:00pm on 24th May, 2021
  • This presentation hopes to show how children’s lens of the world has been impacted. As their experiences are unique, it is important to highlight their stories to the community and learn how children perceived the world during the pandemic and how they may have adapted.
    Streaming on ICV Facebook Live –

    A physical and digital view of the world
    Young people/adults: 13-17 & 18-25 years

  • 6:30-7:30pm on 24th May, 2021
  • The youth panel aims to highlight how young people view the world both through a physical and digital form and how young adults have a greater informed outlook of the world. It’s imperative to allow both young people (13-17 years) and young adults (18-25 years) to express their perspective of the pandemic and how they may have adapted to a new normal in the past year.
    Streaming on ICV Facebook Live –

    Resilience and reflections
    Adults 25+ years

  • 6:00-7:00pm on 25th May, 2021
  • The adult (25+) discussion focuses on analysing both the financial and personal difficulties adults have faced in the past year. It also focuses on how through community support and resilience, they may have dealt with the pandemic.
    Streaming on ICV Facebook Live –

    A woman’s unique perspective
    Women: all ages

  • 5:00-6:00pm on 26th May, 2021
  • The women’s panel aims to explore how women adapted to COVID. It will have a specific focus on how women’s perspectives changed in adapting to the economical constraints and what their unique challenges were in dealing with social interactions between family, friends and acquaintances.
    Streaming on ICV Facebook Live –

    How Mosques have adapted
    Mosques around Victoria

  • 6:30-7:30pm on 26th May, 2021
  • As Mosques around Victoria had to shut down due to COVID, this panel focuses on their transition of closing temporarily and how they managed to continue to support the community through social platforms instead. This panel also focuses on how mosques were able to re-open to the community again while implementing and maintaining COVID-19 safety measures.
    Streaming on ICV Facebook Live –

    COVID-19 Outreach Project –
    Cultural Connections Victoria Consortium

    6:30pm – 7:30pm on 28th May, 2021
    The consortium panel will be led by an excellent group of organisations that have helped through communities immensely throughout the pandemic. They will be exploring how the pandemic has impacted members of their community and how the different organisations all came together during the pandemic.
    Streaming on ICV Facebook Live –

    Final celebrations
    6:30pm-7:30pm on 27th May, 2021
    A final celebration to highlight the resilience of our Multicultural communities . Additionally, honorary guests from the Victorian Government and other organisations will be invited to attend. The Multicultural Culinary videos sent by the community about their favourite dish will also be shown during the event.
    Streaming on ICV Facebook Live –

    Download the Flyer for these events


    Multicultural Culinary Day




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