Easter 2021 – Message from the Prime Minister

Hon. Scott Morrison PM

The Prime Minister of Australia, The Hon. Scott Morrison, gives a message to all on occasion of the Christian Observance of Easter, 2021.

For Christians around the world, Easter is a time to celebrate the most important words of our faith –– He is Risen!

Christians everywhere can draw strength and heart from these words.

They are a message of hope –– and of victory –– even over death itself.

As Prime Minister, I am so grateful for the support and the work of the Christian faithful and the churches over this past year.

It has been a time when we’ve heeded that ancient message to “choose life” –– to protect, value and watch out for our family, friends, neighbours, community and country, as we all faced a once in a century pandemic.

This meant that it was more difficult to gather to worship as a faith community normally would. Nor could we sing those joyful songs that mean so much to us.

Though Christians will gather in most churches across our country this Easter, we know that in parts of Australia, there will again be obstacles in coming together.

Nevertheless, on Easter Sunday we will lift our eyes and recount the words of the Psalmist “This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it”.

So this Easter, as we reflect and draw strength from our faith, we can look forward with a renewed sense of optimism and hope for our future.

I pray with Christians everywhere that we all have a safe, happy and holy Easter.

God Bless.

The Hon Scott Morrison MP
Prime Minister of Australia
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